Securing your Telone ADSL WiFi.

Whatever your motivations may be (CAPPED DATA!!!!), securing your WIFI access is actually quiet an easy thing to do. Telone usually ships Tplink routers like the TD-W8961N , which will be used in this article although the steps taken can be applied to any router. So lets secure our router in 3 easy steps :)

1. Choose a secure ADMIN password.

Why bother?

By default the routers have default passwords and usernames for the Router admin interface, This password username combo is always just a google search away for ANYONE to find and use. In this case Username:admin, Password: admin. All a person has to do is to physically gain access to one of the devices connected to your network and log into the router admin and see what your current WIFI password is. Of course if the intruder has access to your router as admin they can do a whole lot of nastiness. A bit convoluted but entirely possible.

OMG!! How do I change the router admin password?

1. Login by going to or and use Username:admin Password:admin

2. Click on maintenance and simply pick your new password, confirm and save. Done.

2. Choose a secure WiFi password

Why bother?

One word. neighbors.

How do I stop pesky neighbors from getting "free" WiFi?

Go to Interface Setup > Wireless >Scroll down to WPS Settings and change the settings shown in pic below

Oh and make sure Use WPS is actually set to Yes

But I like my Neighbors, I can't refuse them the password. I have a Saintly reputation to keep !!

In that case go ninja mode

3. Ninja Mode

What is that?

Hide the WiFi name (SSID) and the neighbors won't even know your WiFi is on. Hide.. like a ninja..Gettit? Oh and hide the router, A healthy router with excitedly blinking lights could kill the credibility of your "My network is dead" story.


Same page as before, there is the broadcast SSID option.. set it to No..

That's It?

Yep. Of course if you are really paranoid, make sure you
  1. Change SSID and passwords frequently instead of periodically 
  2. Use Mac address filtering (IF you are techy)
  3. Use Ethernet and switch off WiFI (IF you are Super Super Paranoid and probably doing something illegal)

Securing your Telone ADSL WiFi. Securing your Telone ADSL WiFi. Reviewed by vinkaks on January 08, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. "IF you are Super Super Paranoid and probably doing something illegal" this cracked me up. Thanks though. It was very helpful :)


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